Sunday, November 13, 2011

St. Mary's Church

We finally got to get out and explore a little bit of Mildenhall, the city we will be living in soon. We drove by St. Mary's once before and it was so amazing, so I really wanted to get a closer look. I was so happy when we got there and the church was open for visitors! I didn't think we would get a look inside. the grounds surrounding it was covered in gravestones. There were also big stone slabs inside the church that were people's gravestones. It was kind of wierd to see them inside a church but still cool. The church was built in sections and the earliest part of the church (the vestry) was built in 1220. The main body and tower were built in 1420. The church was restored from 1851-1853.

St. Mary's Church, regarded by many as the most beautiful in Suffolk.

The tower which now has 10 bells!

Jacee loved the 'castle'! haha.

So many head stones inside and outside the church.

Inside! So beautiful.

There were a few stained glass windows! Simply amazing!

Ornate woodwork! All the ends of the rows looked like this! Can you imagine how long that would take?

Nils and the kids outside the church.

Across the street.

Walking around Mildenall.

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